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3 Ways To Use Webinars To Grow Your Audience

Hey guys this is Nevar Moore of I'm here to give you 3 ways to use webinars to grow your audience.

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You can use webinars to be a freemium or freebie of some sort to gain email addresses to build your list. This is when you give someone something of value okay in exchange for their email to add it to your autoresponder. Then you will be able to reach out to that person later through email. In the webinar you can give a free lesson of some sort within your niche to your community how to use it a specific tool for example. I am in the online business industry of wealth so I can teach someone how to use This is a way they can brand themselves and their business. I can host a free webinar in order to gain their email address in exchange for a relationship with this person. The value I am giving them is a tool that they can use for later.

A lot of people use webinars to build a community and provide the new updates of the company, give out new advice tips and tricks of industry. Build a community for scratch and within their communities are a great way to add authority in your niche.

You can monetize for webinars and this can be the bread-and-butter here. You can monetize that you can monetize by going Live on a webinar and charge per virtual seat. You can also record the webinar that you recorded live. This is repurposing content and then packaging it to sell it later. Upload to your pages to either have your tribe or fans be able to go to access it and add to the shopping cart to download. You can also record it monetize it for a while then boom . When it is Christmas you want as you know give out some stocking stuffers to your community list your old webinars for free to repurpose content . I'm pretty sure someone that really was interested in your package but maybe they couldn't afford it. This will be a way you can showcase your work and still build that relationship with the person. Who knows you could teacher something during the webinar that can put them to the next level. Now I don’t want to leave you unsure. I want you to be successful with these steps and processes. I have something that will give you step by step instructions. Webinars can be very lucrative for your business so what if I can give you a blueprint to give you step-by-step instructions on what a webinar should contain. You can have the flow process on what should go where, what links to use, everything you should give to your client after the webinar and what to say at the closing. These are the key strategies for the webinar. I'm willing to give you this guide free. You just have to pay for the shipping so if you're interested in the blueprint on monetizing your webinars and how to make it the best. Click the link below and I hope to see you on the other side of this to get you access to me and my community.

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