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Working Before 10AM Is Equivalent To Torture

New Research Says Working Before 10 AM is Equivalent To Torture Doctors have shown that working before 10 a.m. is equivalent to torture. Working from home can allow you to set your own schedule. You can have the freedom that you always yearn for while being at that 9 - 5 job. Why is it so easy for us as people to get up and go to a job that we hate instead of owning our own business? People this is an international issue that we over look because the work force demands us get to work by 8:00am to be productive. People are living paycheck to paycheck with the hope that one day it will get better. At some point you have have to make the shift happen in your life and not wait for anyone to give you an opportunity. I understand that you have children to feed and you can’t walk away from your full time job right now. At Least create goals to one day to scratch starting a business off of your bucket list. Owning a business gives one a self of accomplishment. For example you can say I set out to start my own business and help others have a source of income. The feeling of helping others alone can make a person feel accomplished. Remember that success is not measured by wealth. My question is how long will you continue to torture yourself? Learn a new skill that can put you on the path of freedom. Working from home can be so rewarding in many ways. Running errands when you want to , starting work when you want to, and resting when you feel the need. Life can be simple it is how we plan and execute that makes the difference.

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