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401K is Dead

We have come upon a time in our lives that 401K is not the end all be all. When I say this it is pertaining to the fact that people are no longer retiring and living off of their 401K. The big question is : How are we going to survive. If you are not wealthy and retiring now then you are retiring to get another job. The cost of living has increased and the pay of the job has stayed the same. We as people have to change our way of thinking in order to survive in the years to come. We are worked to death in these normal jobs. We are afraid of change because it feels uncomfortable. Get uncomfortable today! 50 million people are on food stamps in the US. Middle class has to work more hours to get more money just to survive. The question is how can we fix this? The key to this is SELL SOMETHING OR DIE! The internet allows people to stay at home and sell from the comfort of their own home. You need to have multiple products to sell at anytime. Physical goods , digital goods, and services to offer for payment. Learn how to position yourself to be a leader. Most people die at the age of 25 years old but just don’t make it official to about 80 years old. Stop settling for the average life when you can work hard to have so much more. Let's work now!

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