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5 Steps That Can Change Your Online Career Today

I have been researching new techniques and tips for myself and my followers to learn how to be better. I have learned new techniques that have taken my business to another level. These steps seem very simple yet very effective. These five steps have allow me to generate authentic leads that I would have never found without this system.

  • Professional Development

Once a week block out a time to feed your business sense. Change your way of thinking to know that you deserve to be in charge of your life. Examples of professional development include but not limited to Marketing, Webinar, and Prospecting Skill development.

  • Personal Development

Once a day place a block on your calendar to feed your inner student. This task should be completed for at least 15 minutes a day. Examples of professional development are Podcasts, Books, and Inspiration Conference calls.

  • Exposure

Get out of your comfort zone. If you are going to be marketing on a platform as large as Facebook you need to have plan. Set a schedule on when you will engaging in conversations with your friends and fans. Set obtainable goals to have something to strive for.

  • Content Creation

This includes information and post that you create. You should be creating at least 1 piece per day to stay current on followers’ timeline. Examples of content creation is Blog post, Video creation, Audio or Podcast to your target audience. Provide a solution to your target audience’s problems.

  • Follow Up

The biggest thing about a business is following up with customers. Some customers want to fill wanted and appreciated. A simple follow up email, text, phone call may change that prospects mind in joining your company or making a purchase. Offering free coaching, share your testimony and results.

Implement these steps and watch your business grow right before your eyes.

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